Eventual Lighting Enginer 




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You are reading the story of the birth of a way of doing things.

The story of the birth in a way of seeing the world.

Because those who wrote the story decided not to tell us about their own defeats.

The story of how in the driest desert on the planet, between mining sites, ghost towns and western novels, the foundations of the all-powerful contemporary art industry were laid.

But above all, it is the story of the families that made barbarism one more part of their life. Bodies that, far from fleeing, decided to stay and make the toughest desert on the planet their last possible refuge.

3 characters, a woman and two men, transform in front of our eyes the room of a contemporary art museum into a piece of the Atacama Desert. As they move and create, they see the history of the desert they have decided to inhabit pass over their bodies. The story of how this piece of the world has been the cradle of wealth and barbarism for centuries, of how it has been exploited to exhaustion over and over again, and of how that story that is born in the depths of the Atacama spreads throughout the world. hand in hand with the great fortunes that control contemporary art, the arms industry and world finance. They are just the three of them in the middle of nowhere but they are not alone as the whole desert hits them hard. Why there are people who decide to set up their home in the most inhospitable place on the planet is what we have come to read, see and hear.


Artistic team


Extraños mares arden is a scenic project by Txalo Toloza-Fernández. In collaboration with Laida Azkona Goñi.

Artists: Laida Azkona Goñi, Juan Cristobal Saavedra y Txalo Toloza-Fenández.

Voice-over: Agnés Mateus.

Texts and audiovisual dramaturgy: Txalo Toloza-Fernández.

Choreography: Laida Azkona Goñi.

Original soundtrack and sound space design: Juan Cristóbal Saavedra.

Lighting design: Ana Rovira.

Eventual Lighting Engineer: Edu Bolinches.

Space design and audiovisual production: MiPrimerDrop.

Model building: Ana Rovira y Pierre Djata.

Research coordination: Leonardo Gamboa Caneo.

In collaboration with Sònia Gómez, Marta Galán, Gabino Rodríguez e Iñaki Álvarez.

Illustrations: Freepik.

Production: Elclimamola

‘Extraños mares arden’ is a project produced by Antic Teatre (Barcelona) and Hierba Roja / Belar Gorria, in co-production with Festival TNT (Terrassa), Festival Bad (Bilbao) and Fundación para el desarrollo de la Cultura, las Artes y el Patrimonio Fundecap (Antofagasta, Chile).

With the support of Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Cataluña and the collaboration of Teatro Gayarre (Pamplona), NAVE, Centro de Creación (Santiago de Chile), El Graner – Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), Azala Espazioa (Lasierra), Ca L’Estruch centre de creació (Sabadell), L’animal a l’esquena (Celrà), La Caldera (Barcelona), Centre Cívic Barceloneta (Barcelona).