Light Engineer on Tour




Els Joglars

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An example of this is the Cervantes light comedy “El Retablo de las Maravillas” (The Miraculous Altarpiece), in which the fear of being perceived as being of doubtful lineage, or even of harbouring Jewish blood, leads people to celebrate and revere something which objectively does not exist – to proclaim as true that which all of them know to be a manifest falsehood. In essence nothing has changed. In fact this story was based on an even older oriental metaphor recreated a hundred years before Cervantes by Don Juan Manuel in his work “Conde Lucanor”, which involved a group of scoundrels ‘weaving’ garments that turn out to be invisible to all those who are not of legitimate birth. This same story appears later in the famous tale by Hans Christian Andersen “The Emperor’s New Clothes” in which only the innocence of a child permits the exposure of the evident nakedness of the Monarch, and of the collective hypocrisy. Two diametrically opposed morals can be drawn from reading these situations. We can blame those who set out to cheat and deceive or, on the other hand, we can lay the responsibility at the door of those who so readily allow themselves to be taken in, and who thereby contribute to the success of the fraudster. The false truth is propagated through the most indolent and ignorant minds in society.



Production Team

Director and dramaturg: Albert Boadella

Assistant director: Lluís Elias, Xavier Boada, Joan Roura

Actors: Xavier Boada, Dolors Tuneu, Pep Vila, Ramon Fontserè, Xavi Sais, Jesús Agelet, Minnie Marx, Pilar Sáenz

Costume design : Dolors Caminal

Mask construction : Lluís Traveria

Video post-production: Elf Pla

Literary collaboration: Josep m. Arrizabalaga

Adap. music Canon de Pachelbel: Jordi Reguant

Plal by: Jordi Reguant– Marju Vatsel and Quartet Barcelona: Marc Armengol, Ulrike Janssen, Edurne Vila, Sergi Boadella

Ligthing dessign: Cesc Barrachina

Lighting engineer on tour: Edu Bolinches

Sound: Guillermo Mugular

Stage Technicians: Jesús Díaz Pavón – Josep Abellàn

Technical director and Screen: Jordi Costa

Production director: Josep M. Fontserè

Metallic structures: Tallers Pascualín

Costume: Atuendo for fun – Rosa Mª Pardo

Atrezzo: Castells i Planas

Forge construction: Fernando Garreta

Fhotography composition: Eulàlia Grau

Camera: Xavier Crespiera

Screen images: Archivo Els Joglars

Graphic design: Jaume Bach – Manuel Andreu

Fhotography: Jordi Bover

Tour coordination: Sergi Subirachs

Press and communication: Cristina Ferrández